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Jarek M | all galleries >> Galleries >> Show & Tell Competition Awards > DSC_4948.jpg
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19-Aug-2007 Jarek M.


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Kasia... Krywlany airfield, Bialystok.

Honourable mention in the 633rd Show & Tell Competition Portraits...with a little extra.

My photos recognised in the Show & Tell Competition.

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Guest 26-Jan-2011 00:53
Wonderful capture, reflection and beauty face Jarek, V
Bernard Bosmans01-Oct-2009 06:19
An appealing shot Jarek, wonderful reflections.V.
zyziza18-Oct-2007 15:09
Owszem, bardzo mila dziewczyna, ale i autora, oraz szpanujacych facetow widzimy w odbiciu w okularach :-)