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Janet Gindlesperger | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> BHS Reunion 2010 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

BHS Reunion 2010

Our all-school reunion was held on October 22 and 23, 2010 in Ballinger. There was lots to do - pep rally, meet-and-greet, lunches, dinners, football game (which we won!), class meetings, photos and the dance in Rowena. Carla Murman Campbell and the Exes Association did a great job! I really enjoyed seeing everyone and look forward to the 50th class reunion for the class of 1961 next year! If any of you have photos you'd like to share, I'll be glad to post them to this gallery.
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Joyce and Ron
Joyce and Ron
The Ballinger Cross
The Ballinger Cross
Pep rally
Pep rally
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
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