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Jakob Ehrensvärd | profile | all galleries >> Decay, ruins, wrecks and scrap >> The abandoned refueling station tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The abandoned refueling station

The Swedish Air Force was expanded to completely absurd levels during the 1950s and onwards. Around 1960 we had the fourth largest force in the world - in absolute terms ! Given a population of less than eight million back then, it is getting even more insane. We entered the jet era early (1948 with the SAAB J29) and providing fuel for this giant fleet of thirsty fighters was surely a major undertaking. A complex system of bases and backup fuel depots were developed, all connected with primarily with a rail backbone and a large fleet of tank cars.

With the collapse of the Warsaw pact, there has been a major onslaught on military air bases and the air force is now probably more realistic in size compared with some thirty years ago.

In the perimeter of this particular abandoned base, this former refueling station was found. In the vicinity, a large number of pipes and underground installations were left, seemingly without any clean-up whatsoever.
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