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Jackie Klieger | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails

I became serious and passionate about photography when I moved to Sedona in 2009. The beauty of Sedona called my soul to
express the blossoming joy and creativity I felt inside, providing an inspired entrance into the new world of photography.

I am passionate about both wildlife and landscape photography. Wildlife photography allows me to silently be with the creatures I love. As they allow me glimpses into
their world, I observe and learn from them. Landscape photography provides a meaningful way for me to document and honor nature's changing moods and cycles. I consider all of nature sacred.

I am honored when I can utilize my photography to support conservation and cultural causes. I am enjoying all the places that photography
takes me both inside myself and out in the world. It is my intention to inspire others to connect with their true nature.

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Raptors at Arizona's Raptor Experience
Raptors at Arizona's Raptor Experience
Autumn in Arizona
Autumn in Arizona
Arizona Monsoons 2014
Arizona Monsoons 2014
Bosque del Apache
Bosque del Apache
Sedona Winter
Sedona Winter
Sedona Summer
Sedona Summer
Monument Valley
Monument Valley
Out of Africa
Out of Africa
Sedona Moon
Sedona Moon
West Fork
West Fork
Canyon de Chelly
Canyon de Chelly