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Albania … I would say the last best kept secret of Europe!

Sadly, the only one reputation that Albania has outside of Albania is a lousy reputation, so when I first heard that I would have to live in Tirana for at least four years I almost had a “heart attack”. The shock was really bad especially when I was expecting to go to Argentina instead.

Now (in 2009), after living in Albania for more than two years, the only one thing that I would like is … staying a while longer in this surprisingly authentic and unique country. Albania brings up very strong feelings in visitors I noticed, or they fall in love with it or they will hate every single day that they spend in it.

And most of the foreigners that had really the chance to sense Albania will cry twice; first when they arrive and the second time when they have to leave it behind.

What do I like about Albania? I could cast up many things like; fantastic weather, rich and gripping history, surprisingly good kitchen and the nature is breathtaking but personally I think that the Albanians themselves make this country so notable.

Albanian people in Albania are genuine, extremely friendly, curious, honest and warm people but also remarkably proud to be Albanian.

In most of the ex-communist countries in Europe (I, myself, am from one of those countries) people are having kind of mixed feelings about ‘outsiders’ and yet the Albanians after the harshest 50 years of communist dictatorship still kept their unique friendliness, trust and curiosity towards foreigners.

Living in Albania is a one-of-a-kind experience with plenty of surprises every day!!!

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Tirana by night
Tirana by night
Tirana by night
Tirana by night
Tirana by night
Tirana by night
Tirana by night
Tirana by night
...but a lot less shining in the day light
...but a lot less shining in the day light
Albanian highway?!
Albanian highway?!