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Isabel Cutler | all galleries >> Galleries >> Canon EF 300MM f/4L IS USM > _MG_2922 Nosing for food
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_MG_2922 Nosing for food

Noise that's a bit annoying in color, is not as objectionable (at least to me) in black/white.
Converted to b/w with Harald Heim's Black/White Styler plug-in for Photoshop with the Daguerrotype setting.
(White squirrels are quite common in this area.)

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Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/500s f/4.0 at 300.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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creativematrix26-Apr-2009 14:57
The "barrel" must be empty to get in that position! ;-D This was also a good subject for B/W, not all images are.
Digipets26-Apr-2009 14:13
I LOVE this Isabel! Too cute.~jane