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Ingo Rautenberg | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Macro Photography tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Macro Photography

Tiny little creatures or details of other living matter one might otherwise not notice or ones that take on a different character up close.
Bumblebee on Wildflower
Bumblebee on Wildflower
Praying Mantis (slight Crop)
Praying Mantis (slight Crop)
Grooming Mantis I
Grooming Mantis I
Grooming Mantis II
Grooming Mantis II
Extreme Macro setup
Extreme Macro setup
Standard Macro Field of View
Standard Macro Field of View
Sticky flower
Sticky flower
Green Weevil
Green Weevil
Green Weevil in your Face
Green Weevil in your Face
Acorn Weevil
Acorn Weevil
Carpenter Ant
Carpenter Ant
Wasp Full Color
Wasp Full Color
Wasp on Spruce
Wasp on Spruce
hangin' by a thread
hangin' by a thread
Hey! There's a fly in my Coffee
Hey! There's a fly in my Coffee
Just resting
Just resting
Just visiting
Just visiting
Keeping Watch...
Keeping Watch...
Keeping Watch...  (Close up)
Keeping Watch... (Close up)
Juvenile Grasshopper I
Juvenile Grasshopper I
Juvenile Grasshopper II
Juvenile Grasshopper II
Juvenile Grasshopper II (crop)
Juvenile Grasshopper II (crop)
Orb-Weaver Spider in Wait
Orb-Weaver Spider in Wait
Look what hatched...
Look what hatched...
Wrapping up a meal
Wrapping up a meal
Camouflaged Dragonfly
Camouflaged Dragonfly
Bee-like fly
Bee-like fly
Dew drops
Dew drops
Crab Spider
Crab Spider
Ready to Pounce
Ready to Pounce
En Route
En Route
Sweet Nectar
Sweet Nectar
Dragonfly perched crop
Dragonfly perched crop
Ready for Lift-off
Ready for Lift-off
Green Dragonfly crop
Green Dragonfly crop
100% Green Dragonfly crop
100% Green Dragonfly crop
Dragonfly 100% crop
Dragonfly 100% crop