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Mike Stobbs | all galleries >> Galleries >> Casey & Tex > Im Look'in At You Kid
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Oct 14th 2007 Mike Stobbs

Im Look'in At You Kid

This is Tex and he is 2 years old.
He is a Lab/Border Collie cross...and he is Not The Boss.

Nikon D200
1/60s f/10.0 at 200.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Sue Roberts16-Oct-2007 23:45
Mr Whiskers! i love you!
Lee G16-Oct-2007 06:36
What a sweet shot! Yea, he's the boss all right. You can't resist that mug.
Cindi Smith16-Oct-2007 02:37
Yeah, like I believe he isn't the boss! I bet he gets his way the majority of the time. How could you say no to that face??? Beautiful closeup of Tex! I love his name! v
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