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andrewd_za | all galleries >> Galleries >> Our Dogs > 4403 Daisy & shoe
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4403 Daisy & shoe

Canon EOS 20D
1/500s f/11.0 at 100.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Tracy Howell24-Jul-2011 20:37
Soooo cute!
Guest 05-Jan-2010 21:48
What a sweetheart.. this is lovely! V
Guest 10-Aug-2009 23:46
Great shot! congrats! - D
Margaret Lew06-Jul-2009 19:14
Congratulations! This really captures the essence of a playful pup.
cits_4_pets22-Apr-2009 16:43
Priceless shot!! Great catch. another v I used to take care of a yellow lab in my pet sitting business. is a gallery All In A Pet Sitter's Day. (one of the many galleries featuring my client's pets which have themes such as Yawning, Behind the Scenes, Animated)
Marwan Habib03-Apr-2009 20:17
Daisy is really cute on this one.
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