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Friday SP theme seems to be silhouettes.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ8
1/2s f/2.8 at 6.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Kathryn29-Nov-2008 21:16
Amazing Silhouette - Love it.
Guest 17-Jan-2008 14:20
This one made me cry, you are so beautiful, and the photo is wonderful, this one needs to be printed. Mom
Linnea 12-Jan-2008 16:52
I've always said you were a beautiful woman, but this picture is about so much more than your outsides. The color is perfect and the light catches you perfectly.
Phillip Normanton12-Jan-2008 15:52
Great cool mood, I like the touch of red too!
Winter2712-Jan-2008 14:59
This is pretty and full of mood. LOVE the blue tinge to everything in the dim light. You're lovely.
Johnny JAG12-Jan-2008 09:08
Very nicely done.
beverley harrison12-Jan-2008 09:01
wonderfully done...
Dana12-Jan-2008 05:19
Very pensive. Nice job.
Cindi Smith12-Jan-2008 02:48
This is very nice! I love this!
Scott Browne12-Jan-2008 00:42
Well done.
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