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Eric Delmar | all galleries >> Galleries >> Samples > Cubicle_drone 800.jpg
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Cubicle_drone 800.jpg

Nikon D200
1/2s f/8.0 at 35.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 01-Dec-2007 20:45
Great image Eric. When I saw the thumbnail I expected to see a title like 'Major Disc Failure' or 'I should've backed up' and one of those little error windows open in the center of the screen....... However, my wife can relate much better to the 'Cubicle Drone' title.
Robbie D7030-Nov-2007 19:55
Eric , this is amazing, its full of so much , with mood ,movement, composition and the black and white editing. Excellent, a competition winner for sure. For me this is what photography is all about.