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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Life Around Us: Multiple Galleries >> Reflections > "I'm so pretty."
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17-NOV-2007 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

"I'm so pretty."


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Aud Elise Sjøsæther23-Mar-2008 07:09
The duck looks satisfied : )
Fantastic reflection! Big V
alfredo camba jr.24-Jan-2008 14:30
Definitely beautiful image. Nice details. Vote!!
Carol Rollins03-Dec-2007 19:33
Wonderful shot with great lighting and detail, Liz! V.
mathilda williams30-Nov-2007 03:40
wonderfully, sharp image, well done!
sschex29-Nov-2007 13:45
This is a hard bird to make look pretty, you have done well on this shot.
Guest 29-Nov-2007 03:27
Excellent reflection & Shot V
Bill Paige28-Nov-2007 19:40
Nice shot
Dennis Ancinec27-Nov-2007 23:43
Excellent job and great reflection!
zeev segal27-Nov-2007 18:38
Great shot, love this reflection V
QUERIDO27-Nov-2007 18:18
very nice shot,vote
Yi Feng27-Nov-2007 05:07
Beautiful capture of this peaceful scene. Gorgeous reflection and detail! V
Zaid Kurdi26-Nov-2007 22:04
Superb capture,wonderful reflections and title........V. :)
Jeanne Dammarell26-Nov-2007 16:05
Beautiful shot of the bird and superb reflection!
Guest 26-Nov-2007 15:47
Excellent image and reflection...
Janet Forjan-Freedman26-Nov-2007 14:51
Excellent exposure work and the clarity, tonality and reflection are impressive!
shatterbug26-Nov-2007 08:04
Nice light and reflection...excellent capture!
Debbie Blackburn Beierle26-Nov-2007 07:08
Amazing detail! Love the reflection. Perfect exposure!
Bryan Murahashi26-Nov-2007 06:43
Great Coot reflection. V
January Grey26-Nov-2007 06:07
So I guess if someone is called an old coot, it's not so bad after all! :) Beautiful shot, Liz. The eye & feather details are fantastic. Wonderful light and reflection too. V~
Jean D26-Nov-2007 02:35
Excellent shot of a beauty, Liz! The still waters have created a mirror reflection! Well done.
Guest 26-Nov-2007 01:08
Beautiful mirror image! vote
Guest 25-Nov-2007 19:14
Gorgeous portrait,Liz.Wonderful detail in those feathers and a mirror-like reflection!
Guest 25-Nov-2007 17:35
Looks so graceful, lovely capture..v
Ron Asp25-Nov-2007 17:21
Excellent reflection Liz... Voted. These birds are so interesting to watch when they have their young with them. thanks for sharing....
Tom Munson25-Nov-2007 16:20
Great shot of the Coot Liz. Exposed perfect with the reflection. v
Guest 25-Nov-2007 15:29
Beautiful capture with excellent details and reflection. Very well done.
Guest 25-Nov-2007 14:50
beautiful reflection and tacksharp.
Jonathan Popp25-Nov-2007 14:07
Excellent reflection and the caption is so perfect.
Bryan Ramsay25-Nov-2007 14:00
Great detail and the reflection is to die for!! -BJ V
Hank Vander Velde25-Nov-2007 13:53
Beautiful detail X 2. Well done Liz. V.
Vince25-Nov-2007 13:20
Fabulous shot. Great reflection. Just like a mirror image. Vote.
Fong Lam25-Nov-2007 13:20
The water is like a mirror....yes, you're pretty!
Marcia Colelli25-Nov-2007 13:00
beautiful reflection v
Guest 25-Nov-2007 12:59
Wonderful image, great detail and reflection
Guest 25-Nov-2007 12:59
Wonderful image, great detail and reflection
Sam_C25-Nov-2007 09:16
Very beautiful shot Liz! Love the reflection, and details. Yes, you are so pretty!! V :)
Knox O25-Nov-2007 09:07
excellence. voted.
akleja25-Nov-2007 08:22
Beautiful picture! Great title!
Gerard Koehl25-Nov-2007 08:19
Magnifique cette foulque avec son oeil qui brille. Et superbe rendu de plumage noir, et je sais que ce n'est pas facile.
lou_rozensteins25-Nov-2007 08:07
Very peaceful shot ith that perfect reflection. The detail is great too.