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Julie Aucoin | all galleries >> Galleries >> Travel Moments... > Mexico
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Shooting at a vandalized window, with a trolleybus passing in the background.
This was on the outskirts of Oaxaca.

Always nice to have a "I was actually here" pic when traveling.
Always a bit more of a challenge for the solo traveler...

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Guest 03-Jan-2011 16:05
hi nice SP
an nguyen03-Aug-2010 13:01
Indeed , same here, a bit challenge for solo photographer.
Best sp ever seen.
Michael Gehrisch01-Aug-2010 05:27
Nice to have a face to associate with your images! Your work is fantastic. I'll be back ;-) v
Andrew Bott20-Mar-2010 11:14
One of the best profile shots I've seen on PBase. It loudly says 'interesting gal'.
Gerhard Ritsema09-Feb-2009 17:03
Cool SP! Nice to meet you!
Marc Demoulin23-Jun-2008 07:01
Bonjour Julie, un autoportrait très original.
Guest 01-Mar-2008 09:01
J'aime bcp celle-ci avec sa profondeur en 3 plans; et cette vitre pourtant transparante semble une barrière infranchissable, sans doute à cause des graffiti. V
Guest 19-Feb-2008 15:36
What a neat shot!! Well done!
PauloCGama24-Jan-2008 14:47
love it!!
andy31-Dec-2007 19:17
not only a great travel photographer, but cute as well!
you have wonderful galleries with a great eye for color and capturing people.
Daniel Wickwire22-Dec-2007 16:10
I agree. A great self portrait and a great photo with stories to tell. Happy travels!! Daniel.
Kiriakos Korakis26-Oct-2007 14:14
The most Inspired self-portrait I have ever seen !
V !!!
Guest 12-Jun-2007 01:16
Hi Julie... I was traveling through your galleries, and I felt like if I was there too.
Great moments, great people, really nice shoots ;)
Maybe someday I get my bag to travel solo too... How is the experience?
By the way... I like this sp at Mexico ;)
12305-Jun-2007 02:47
Nice to meet you Julie. Kaden K.