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R. Walls | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bayleigh - Child Of Many Faces! > If Only I Could Speak...........
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If Only I Could Speak...........

To know what she’s thinking,
I look into her eyes.
Eyes that say so much,
A voice that seldom tries.

Inside I wonder,
“When will she speak?”
Silently hoping,
“Maybe this week?”

Patiently I sit,
Waiting for a clue.
Listening in silence,
For a voice to break through.

Canon EOS 350D
1/60s f/2.8 at 70.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
kristen paquette 22-Nov-2008 02:56
you are so beautiful i wish you and brianna were my sisters!!!!
Wei O'Connell17-May-2007 01:31
Wonderful portrait of Bayleigh! Incredible beautiful eyes. v
Kate 13-May-2007 13:47
WOW - I have NEVER seen a child with such intensity and seriousness in their face......those eyes are incredible.
Deborah Lewis13-May-2007 12:41
Excellent - quit your day job an open a studio! GMV
Jen Bixler13-May-2007 12:06
That would be PARIS...not sure where Pais is located!
Jen Bixler13-May-2007 12:06
She would say, "Look at me, I am ready for Pais...where's my plane ticket, Dad?"!
Cindi Smith13-May-2007 04:25
Wonderful. I see both you and your wife in her eyes. Your shots of her are getting better everyday! Love this! V
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