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Jola Dziubinska | all galleries >> Galleries >> WEEKLY CHALLENGE > Home Garbage
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29-JUN-2006 Jola Dziubinska

Home Garbage

other sizes: small medium large auto
Jessica McCollum01-Jul-2006 14:08
Very organized rubbish :)
Bob Floyd30-Jun-2006 14:39
Ah ha! It appears you recycle. I should be so good.
virginiacoastline30-Jun-2006 02:13
yes indeed . . .looks like you were inside my kitchen!
laine8230-Jun-2006 01:49
Nicely tied up so none escapes. Well done, Jola.
Yvonne29-Jun-2006 23:56
Neat and tidy image, great shot!
Cindi Smith29-Jun-2006 23:52
Very nice rubbish! You are a very clean and orderly person! Well done and thank you for your recycling efforts!
Sheila29-Jun-2006 23:37
Good shot
Nice and neat :-)
Guest 29-Jun-2006 23:02
A tidy image!
Carole Stevens29-Jun-2006 21:27
Can you sort mine like this !
John Beck29-Jun-2006 19:46
Very neat and as stated, '(s)ame the world over'.
shatterbug29-Jun-2006 19:36
Yes, as neat as garbage gets :) Thanks for recycling!
Johnny JAG29-Jun-2006 19:32
Same the world over.
Lee Rudd29-Jun-2006 17:12
very neatly sorted!
J. Scott Coile29-Jun-2006 16:18
So neatly bagged ;)
Guest 29-Jun-2006 16:13
Equable Rubbish :-)
beverley harrison29-Jun-2006 16:01
what a load of rubbish!! ;)
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