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Tina Manley | all galleries >> Galleries >> PESO_2006 > Seder Meal
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Seder Meal

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Bob 09-Apr-2006 03:08
Hi Tina, There are Mom's who really do make Passover foods the old fashioned way. Sorry you didn't photograph those traditional cooks. You would have come away with tears in your eyes and a lot of good tastes. Unless you had a few slices of Passover sponge cake made by Bubbie, it's not legit.

I appreciate your B&W naturalistic style and I assume you used a Leica M because these folks came throught with their presence. No flash detected. But you're so good, I wouldn't have noticed the bounce flash in any case.

markvm08-Apr-2006 22:30
A nice scene that occurs often but, is usually forgotten. Keep this and look at it ten years from now...that's when the true enjoyment of this image will be seen.
dietmar 08-Apr-2006 22:05
but you got that moment that counts..sometimes you have to drive a million lightyears to get that one moment..i think thats what counts! love dietmar
Bob B.08-Apr-2006 21:42
Nice composition, but more importantly you caught an "everyday" scence that is usually not caught. Good manipulation of depthe of field. I like this a lot.