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Bob Floyd | all galleries >> Galleries >> Shades of Grey > 2/1 - Ivy and Fence
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2/1 - Ivy and Fence

A Dallas Alley

There is a challenge up in the PAD forum to shoot B&W for the month of Feb. Not sure if I will go through with it for the month but this shot from this afternoon seemed made for B&W.

Import from RAW
Conver to Mono with Channel Mixer

February is Black and White month for many of us PADers. Check out Gary Winters PAD page or Bob Townsend's Topic for a list of those participating.

other sizes: small medium large auto
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J. Scott Coile08-Feb-2006 23:23
Sweet composition and contrast!
Kimberley Hannaman Taylor07-Feb-2006 14:28
There're no blackest blacks nor whitest whites in this image, and yet it's very beautiful. There's something about climbing vines and the grace with which they choose their anchors.
Valeska07-Feb-2006 08:27
Love the patterns in the wood.
Guest 05-Feb-2006 03:17
I agree
It was made for b/w
well done
CJ Burianek04-Feb-2006 16:29
Beautiful tones. ALso really like the comp with the ivy framing the left side.
KimKong04-Feb-2006 02:28
Very nice start for a B&W month!
Guest 02-Feb-2006 13:10
Great tones Bob, really like this one!
Guest 02-Feb-2006 08:26
Nice comp - although I was about to say I'd like to see it in colour!
Guest 02-Feb-2006 06:37
Nice shot -- works really well in B/W.