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Gonçalo Fonseca | all galleries >> Photo-a-Day >> January 2006 > Some like it hot
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28-MAR-2005 Gonçalo Fonseca

Some like it hot

Luxor, Egypt

The balloon had such nice green tones and interesting pattern, that I decided to take this shot.
At the same time the pilot decided he wanted to take the balloon higher, hence the great big flame.
How hot is this shot? Let's just say that the camera and lens felt quite hot in my hands for the next few minutes,
and I was sure I'd damaged something. I was wrong, and all's well that ends well.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Brussels Sprout30-May-2007 21:27
Great shot!
I also had the pleasure to fly a balloon over Luxor.
If interested, please visit my gallery
Lee Rudd21-Jan-2006 19:07
yes, we both have a great taste in balloons!
Guest 21-Jan-2006 16:57
Amazing. Very Nice.
joanteno21-Jan-2006 15:55
Beautiful colors!
Herb 21-Jan-2006 14:25
Nice image
Graham Tomlin21-Jan-2006 13:35
lovely colours regards Helen