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G.ra Tomlin | all galleries >> Galleries >> 500+ hits > full moon
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full moon

taken without a teleconverter, but cropped

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 11-Nov-2005 23:11
Wonderful detail and sharpness. Love the mountains on the edges. :)
steve mcsweeny11-Nov-2005 20:35
Super moon shot, Graham. Looks to be close to a 100% crop too. Very nice detail!
Guest 07-Oct-2005 07:27
Great shot, amazing. This convinces me to keep my Sigma 70-300 and get an EOS 350D.
Jan ©05-Oct-2005 03:17
OKAY, I'm officially envious.
Paul Lantz29-Sep-2005 17:12
very nice moon shot, lots of detail and very sharp
BC Ferries and Ships on the BC Coast28-Sep-2005 01:09
Amazing clarity
Guest 16-Sep-2005 03:19
Great shot of the moon. I tried to do the same with my 70-200 f4 but I guess the extra 100 mm makes a big diff because I couldn't get the same level of detail with my lens.
Benoît Jolivet08-Sep-2005 12:13
It 's very sharp, this sigma lens is excellent !! The crop is very good too!! Very good job, Bravo !!!
Ron Asp07-Sep-2005 11:46
Graham, nice shot of the moon, tried to do the same...not as good results. Found that the autofocus searchs to much and manual is better. Just received a new lens 75-300 IS USM and will try again...Thanks for sharing your photos and ideas....Ron..
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