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Ralph and Kylie Whitten | all galleries >> Ralph's Photos >> "Best" Galleries >> Best Portrait Photos > Anna, Bride
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Anna, Bride

Taken at f/1.4

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alfredo camba jr.14-Oct-2007 11:11
Very beautiful portrait. Vote!!!
Bogdan Szadowski02-Jan-2007 23:59
Fabulous shot!!
Guest 20-Dec-2006 02:00
An amazing photo!
Guest 26-Jun-2006 07:58
Gorgeous shot.
Guest 20-Jun-2006 01:47
i agree. gorgeous. wonderful use of that shallow depth of field. nice colors, too. what film?
Streetworks Photography09-Dec-2005 06:24
This is as good a wedding photo as I've ever seen -- not that I have typical taste in suh things -- I'm sure she loved it though.
Alex Kinnan 11-Oct-2005 05:56
Man, what a perfect photo. The subject is beautiful and well-placed in the frame; and the colours and textures are delicious. Her expression and pose were caught at a great moment, too. The shallow DOF and perspective make it even better. Really good stuff.