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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > 05-03-2004
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This is my mom, WAY UP HIGH! She's on the top of the volcano in Maui, standing way closer to the edge than she preferred, and holding her arms out because I told her to! Is that cooperation, or what? And look at that beautiful view behind her! Yes, this picture is all real. Nothing faked here!

FujiFilm FinePix S2 Pro
1/1000s f/8.0 at 105.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small original auto
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Jvan Photography10-May-2004 12:59
Very nice!
virginiacoastline09-May-2004 21:14
AMAZING . . from the thumb I t hought you had posed her in front of a mural on some building's wall . . . I was astounded to read this is REAL!!
Guest 08-May-2004 21:43
WOW! GRANDMA!!! GET AWAY FROM THE EDGE!! lol Very cool shot...It looks like you guys had fun together...DUDE...NICE! :-)
Susan08-May-2004 05:52
Is this photo real? What's she doing there? It makes my knees shake !!!
Cagie 08-May-2004 05:08
"I love you THIS much for taking me to Maui!!" :) This picture is awesome!!!! Get her away from the edge of the mountain though!! Wow! Look at that scenery!! Glorious!!! :) This is my pic for the day! :)