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Rod Ostoski - Brevard County Real Estate Photographer | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Favorites > Egret in Plume
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Egret in Plume

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/800s f/8.0 at 320.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 21-Jan-2006 02:26
What a georgeous shot. I hope to be able to get one like this someday.
Argishti Khachik27-May-2005 10:30
OMG - terrific capture! The quality of this shot is breathtaking!
Manfred Bachmann26-Apr-2005 21:59
Lisa09-Nov-2004 17:23
Simply beautiful..
Guest 06-Nov-2004 02:07
Youve captured a beautiful moment with an ideal backdrop .congratulations on your effort . from robert woolrich
Guest 04-Jul-2004 04:08
beautiful... 0_0.
Debbie Stahre 29-May-2004 10:26
Very impressive gallery. Good photography all the way around.
Phyllis Stewart28-Apr-2004 08:16
WOW! This is amazing! Wonderful! I wish I had ten votes to give it!