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© Nigel Pond


Loch Lomond, Scotland view map

Your hero...with my first digital camera, an Olympus D600L

Canon T90 ,Vivitar Series 1 28-105mm, f 2.8-3.8
full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
ukexpat13-Jun-2005 20:25
I still have it somewhere -- I really should dig it out and see just how slow it is. I have been in the US since Jan 1995.
Ashtonian13-Jun-2005 18:30
I had this camera and my wife still misses it.
My favourite feature of the camera was that after you took a picture you had time to make a cup of tea while the camera wrote to the SM card. Other than that it was great to be able to see "through the lens" at what you were taking. There were some speed improvements made with the D620L but too late, as is the history of Olympus! That company is the epitomy of too little, too late! Though the e300 offers good value with the 2 lrns kit. When did you get stateside?