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Paul Teixeira | all galleries >> Galleries >> Various concert & performance pictures > Chet Baker
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Chet Baker

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Chet Baker, jazz musician.

Canon F1,Canon FD 100mm

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David Gaar27-Apr-2010 15:21
Beautiful image of this legend here, Paulo. Well done. V.
monica memoli06-Apr-2008 11:52
Great! v
Guest 06-Apr-2008 01:23
Wow, great image!
Yves Rubin27-Aug-2007 23:51
Love it, so much inner reflection and feeling for music in this portrait!
Enrico Martinuzzi08-Jun-2007 09:09
What a fantastic shot! GMV
hans hendriks11-Aug-2006 12:35
Hele mooie, jammer dat ik hem nooit zelf live gezien heb.
Guest 27-Oct-2004 21:49
Wow... Getting an opportunity to photograph Chet Baker is great, but producing such a fine picture of him is even greater. Congratulations.
Guest 26-May-2004 01:33
This is a wonderful capture, Paul. One of the greats, RIP.
Guest 12-Mar-2004 09:33
great! Good Job!
Best regards
Marco Bizzotto
Dan Chusid10-Jan-2004 20:45
I like this one Paul, especially since I am somewhat familiar with Chet's music. Crisp focus and timeless. - DC
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