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Arnie Peterschmidt | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photo-per-Day > June 11
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11-Jun-2021 Arnie Peterschmidt

June 11

686th Show & Tell Competition: Towers - WINNER
Downtown Seattle from the Dr. Jose Rizal Bridge. This shot has been on my photographic to-do list for a number of years. It's a well known vantage point and I was not alone taking in the scene but it's nice to have my own version.

Nikon Z 6
4s f/22.0 at 61.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jola Dziubinska11-Nov-2023 00:07
Great view of Seattle cityscape and the highway traffic, perfect timing. V.
John Vass09-Nov-2023 18:28
Congrats on the win. Excellent entry! V
Markus Grompe14-Jun-2021 15:50
Excellent execution. The tail light blurs looks supercool.
Guest 14-Jun-2021 00:29
Mission accomplished! Very attractive photo. V
Don Mottershead14-Jun-2021 00:29
Mission accomplished! Very attractive photo. V
Walter Otto Koenig13-Jun-2021 22:21
Great perspective and exposure. What a great view. "V"
globalgadabout13-Jun-2021 16:23
deluxe image, resplendent with colour and vibrancy....V
Helen Betts13-Jun-2021 13:57
Definitely a beautiful view of Seattle.
Raymond13-Jun-2021 10:15
Wow, a superb shot
John Reynolds LRPS13-Jun-2021 08:43
Excellent. V.
Roland Le Gall13-Jun-2021 06:30
Excellent low speed picture…!
Gill Kopy13-Jun-2021 05:48
Wow ! that is cool - long enough to catch the traffic yet still keep the clouds in place - and nice composition. V
joseantonio13-Jun-2021 04:54
and it was a nice time for this amazing scene.V.
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