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Bay of Fundy - Halls Harbour. N.S.

Thanks everyone so being so patient. I've had
computer issues to deal with. This was from the fourth day of
our trip. We toured the Bay of Fundy area.

Sony Alpha α7R III
1/400s f/8.0 at 40.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Buz Kiefer31-Aug-2018 16:18
Fine photo, Al. Nice example of low tide in that part of the world. V
Alexander Kazakov20-Aug-2018 08:49
Superb capture! V
Julie Oldfield18-Aug-2018 02:02
Nicely composed image. Is that from drought? V
Jeff Real18-Aug-2018 01:04
This is really interesting
Dave Berry16-Aug-2018 22:04
Interesting place to park a boat. Great capture! V
danad15-Aug-2018 14:27
A superb scene ! V.
Graeme15-Aug-2018 09:49
Beautifully composed scene, Allan.V!
Hank Vander Velde14-Aug-2018 23:50
Nice shot Allan. No quick get-away here.
Range View 14-Aug-2018 23:16
Marvelous image showing this amazing low tide.
globalgadabout14-Aug-2018 17:50
looks as if the Tide Duty is off duty at this moment...intriguing scene from Nova Scotia, a place so few of us visit....excellent capture...