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Jola Dziubinska | all galleries >> Galleries >> EMILKA AS FRIDA > Old Customs
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27-OCT-2017 Jola Dziubinska

Old Customs

Warsaw, Poland

Happy Halloween, Happy Dia de los Muertos!
Model - my daughter Emilka.

This image is the winner of the 633rd PBase Show & Tell contest.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ken Zaret08-Jun-2022 00:43
Lovely shot!
Long Bach Nguyen02-Nov-2017 23:53
MarcViskens02-Nov-2017 21:13
very nice Jola
laine01-Nov-2017 21:34
Love how you did these...V
Walter Otto Koenig01-Nov-2017 17:35
Excellent work by you and Emilka. This is really great! "V"
danad01-Nov-2017 11:28
Superb and colorful Halloween's portrait ! V.
Ken Duckert01-Nov-2017 09:37
Terrific shot - great color, detail, fabulous subject! Bravo!
barbarajoy01-Nov-2017 07:45
The colours and light enhance this brilliant portrait Jola. It is such a good one for "old"!
Dennis Hoyne01-Nov-2017 02:07
An outstanding portrait for Halloween! My compliments to you and your lovely model. V
LynnH31-Oct-2017 22:14
A wonderful Dias De Los Muertos portrait. I love her makeup and the little flower appliques. Great pose. Great portrait! V
Helen Betts31-Oct-2017 21:12
What a great Halloween picture! V.
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