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Mt. Rainier fly-by, Washington, USA
Taking off from Seattle airport, headed east, the pilot approached Rainier from just above the clouds and slowly circled halfway around it as we rose higher and higher. This is one of many shots from the different perspectives.
Note the red tinge on the top right side of the mountain. It must be some kind of microbial or algae growth on the snow.

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Guest 22-Sep-2018 11:40
Beautiful gallery cz
Guest 09-Sep-2018 17:59
Powerful! Great shot.E
Guest 14-Jul-2017 02:08
So majestic! What a gift to have seen this view!!
Long Bach Nguyen15-Jan-2017 18:56
Wonderful shot of Mt Rainier and glaciers
cobler07-Jan-2017 18:53
A beautiful aerial capture.....V
bill friedlander02-Jan-2017 17:11
Wonderful view of the mountain. You had a ringside seat. V
joseantonio09-Nov-2016 04:59
spectacular view of this impressive mountain.
Yiannis Pavlis05-Sep-2016 16:15
Truly a beautiful image.Very lovely composition
Sarah Rehfeldt19-Aug-2016 21:16
This is a beautiful shot from above Mt. Rainier. Here's one of mine:
Markus Grompe01-Aug-2016 13:50
what a treat!
MarcViskens29-Jul-2016 04:23
Very pretty
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