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Paul Marcus | all galleries >> Public Photos >> Digital Photo Challenge >> Flora and Fauna - April 2003 > Blue Roses
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18-APR-2003 Paul Marcus

Blue Roses

Berkeley, California, USA

My alternate for the Flora challenge. A local sidewalk flower stand had these dyed roses for sale.


other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 09-Sep-2008 14:25
i love blue roses they are just different ineverything.They make me feel so peacefull
yulet 27-Jun-2008 05:15
Omg I love blue rose$$$$!!! I love baby blue rose$$$$$$!:)))))?!)0
Tamekka Broyles 21-Nov-2007 06:11
Hi I am looking for the perfect flowers for my girl friend and her favorite color is light blue like this picture, i would love to buy some like this please contact me
kelly 26-May-2005 21:36
hi, i am getting married next year and i am looking for a florist that dyes roses this color. please send me the name of this florist to thank you