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Erik Bruhnke | all galleries >> Wisconsin >> Wisconsin Point 2013 > Arctic Tern!
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Arctic Tern!

When I first spotted this bird it was quite distant. It had a pale-winged appearance for a tern, seen even at a distance through a scope. It flew beyond a flock of jager-flushed Ring-billed Gulls, and kept on flying on it's own. In addition to the evenly-pale wing profile, the photos below show a very thin black trailing edge to the primaries. Tail was forked. Neck/head was very stout. Black cap showed clearly through a scope view. Flight was quite buoyant with each wingbeat. When bird was seen from lot 1, it was only seen by itself.

Canon EOS 7D
1/1250s f/7.1 at 400.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Elaine 29-Sep-2013 15:16
Just to imagine the distance this bird controls, the ethereal immensity of his flight - it must have been a mystical moment - thanks for sharing, Erik!
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