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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Carson City Living > Dramatic Dusk in Winter on Washoe
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15-JAN-2013 Sandi Whitteker

Dramatic Dusk in Winter on Washoe

Washoe Lake, NV

The sky went on fire, and the ice on the lake went crimson. I was standing out on the ice
and the temps dropped to single digits before the sky caught fire, but it was worth the wait!

other sizes: small medium original auto
Gary A. Rich (GRainelev)31-Jan-2013 12:32
Wow, the colors really blows me away. Fantastic captured. I really glad that you waited for this shot. Well done. V.
Giancarlo Guzzardi22-Jan-2013 17:32
yes, fascinating and severe
danad20-Jan-2013 09:30
Outstanding colors. Very well framed. V.
Dan Greenberg20-Jan-2013 04:54
It certainly was worth the wait. Outstanding! ~BV~
Graeme18-Jan-2013 22:39
Very beautiful indeed, Sandi.BV
Stephanie17-Jan-2013 21:22
Unbelievable lighting and coloring!!! Your waiting for just the right moment was well worth it! :) V
Gaétan Bolduc17-Jan-2013 17:41
Great Capture, it was worth the trouble of waiting in the cold.V
Tom Briggs17-Jan-2013 14:38
SHAZAM !!! Beautifully done, Sandi ... a winner ... v
Guest 17-Jan-2013 07:01
Stunning - wonderful capture and worth the freeze! Voted
Gerard Koehl17-Jan-2013 05:41
Magnifique paysage et ambiance. V
Ann Pettigrew17-Jan-2013 05:00
Wow, Sandi! This is gorgeous! I wouldn't have been able to handle that kind of cold but I am glad you did! V
Karen Moen17-Jan-2013 03:35
Very dramatic color. Your timing was perfect! Voted.
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