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Mike Stobbs | all galleries >> Galleries >> Every Now & Then Part VII > Hiking In
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01-Jan-2013 Mike Stobbs

Hiking In

Well this will be my attempt once again to post and image a day or so in 2013.
Those of you that follow me will know this place very well others not.
I call it the "Lawson House" but it's really the "Mitchell Home".
I had to hike in this morning in a snow storm with my snowshoes!!!!
The roads were not all that bad but my tracks were soon covered in blowing snow.
Once in past the shelter belt it was calm in the yard but the snow was knee deep, lucky I had my snowshoes!!!
All the Best in 2013 and if you notice I change my font every year to something new.

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John C. de Freitas19-Dec-2013 16:41
The 303rd Show & Tell Competition "Winter" Winner Photograph
This photograph captures the essence of a winter story, a mystery, and an adventure as a skier approaches an abandoned dwelling.
Excellent composition!!! John de Freitas.
Pedro Libório19-Nov-2013 21:30
absolutly marvelous!!!!
godro14-Aug-2013 23:59
nice composion!
carlogalliani10-Aug-2013 15:08
Beautiful image !
Buba Jafarli14-Jul-2013 19:55
You are very creative, Mike, love this shot! V.
Pieter Bos07-Jul-2013 17:53
Great compo and POV! ~V
Dallas Hyatt22-Jun-2013 14:43
Love you choice of perspective here!
A.G. Arao / noyphoto10-Jun-2013 20:22
Nice shot. Wonderful POV. -V-
Algis Kemezys05-Jun-2013 02:25
Love it
Guest 02-Jun-2013 16:44
V creative.
godro07-Apr-2013 11:01
Beautiful composition!
SRW05-Apr-2013 12:44
Had somehow missed this.... A wonderfully composed shot, with a fantastic PoV....
rocky04-Mar-2013 16:45
Super ultra-wide, action shot! =V=
blizzard26-Feb-2013 01:53
brilliant composition vote
Rick Bricker26-Feb-2013 00:56
What an incredible POV Mike.....I could never get my camera to that perspective without falling over!
This is your "bravo" shot!
Milan Vogrin24-Feb-2013 22:17
Nice angle.
Guest 12-Feb-2013 23:15
Great very cool!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)26-Jan-2013 23:22
Anitta26-Jan-2013 23:21
Excellent composition! Love it! V
samikosemi25-Jan-2013 04:41
great pic
Kim16-Jan-2013 00:17
Fantastic image, very well done! V
Don Mottershead15-Jan-2013 00:40
Superb composition. Nicely done. ~V~
Jim Larkin06-Jan-2013 03:00
Great work. Kinda cool to see you hiking in, knowing what you are going to do there.
John Buffin05-Jan-2013 04:50
I'll be lucky if I get out of the car. ;)
Colin_Chen02-Jan-2013 21:54
Great shot~
SLC_Images02-Jan-2013 05:47
Great perspective and clever shot! VT
Sam Rua02-Jan-2013 01:43
Very cool comp, Mike. Well done. Be careful out there.
pkocinski02-Jan-2013 00:05
Great POV. We saw similar bitter cold weather here today.
Guest 01-Jan-2013 18:44
Excellent work! V.
joseantonio01-Jan-2013 18:33
Very nice winter image.Well done.V.
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