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franz | all galleries >> Galleries >> October Challenge 2011 - 7 Elements of Art > #1#
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...Wiesn vision...
Oktoberfest...das Mass ist voll

Apple iPhone
1/15s f/2.8 at 3.8mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)25-Oct-2011 06:17
Nice action! V
Buba Jafarli18-Oct-2011 19:27
I see all the seven elements of art well presented here! Great shot, Franz! V.
Cindi Smith02-Oct-2011 20:46
Like the big Budweiser horses! :)
borisalex02-Oct-2011 14:55
Ach ...die haben sich doch nur verlaufen!
LynnH02-Oct-2011 11:54
LOL... yes, this glass was certainly full! Nice work, has that Oktoberfest mood!
Janice Dunn02-Oct-2011 05:55
Blurry eyed after spending all your time at the Oktoberfest
Kerry Tingley02-Oct-2011 03:13
Wonderful motion! I hope you are having fun!
Guest 02-Oct-2011 01:28
I fell so happy you are back franz, but be careful with that glass :) !!!!! Well done clever guy!! V
carol j. phipps01-Oct-2011 23:40
Beautiful horses.
Guest 01-Oct-2011 23:23
Absolutely great catch with nice color and motion blur!
Walter Otto Koenig01-Oct-2011 22:07
Schön dass Du wieder mit machst Franzl. Eins, zwei, Drei g'suffa! :)
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