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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> San Diego de Alcala Mission > Mission Bell
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Sandi Whitteker

Mission Bell

Mission de Alcala, San Diego, CA

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Ron LaCroix23-Feb-2012 12:45
Just about perfect. The graininess adds some 'grit' to the shot and the bell is so nicely framed.
Guest 24-Aug-2011 13:05
Love the monochromatic image and gritty feel to this one,Sandi!:>))
tomandlinda23-Aug-2011 23:13
This is wonderful. Great composition and lovely treatment. Linda
Patricia Kay23-Aug-2011 07:15
Fabulous composition and texture Sandi...BV
Sam Rua23-Aug-2011 02:25
Nice treatment and comp, Sandi.
Peter Sussex22-Aug-2011 19:40
Such an effective minimalistic work, awesome feel of texture. BV
Stephanie22-Aug-2011 10:33
Beautiful work Sandi! Love the pp! V
joseantonio22-Aug-2011 04:56
Beautiful shot
Gerard Koehl22-Aug-2011 04:45
Superbe. V
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