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Marielou Dhumez | all galleries >> Galleries >> cityscapes > Le fleuriste (Flower seller) - 29
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Le fleuriste (Flower seller) - 29

June 2010 Challenge - "urban and landscapes"
see this link

Canon PowerShot G10
1/125s f/4.0 at 9.8mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Cindi Smith01-Jul-2010 10:55
Nice view of the greenhouses.
Mieke WA Minkjan01-Jul-2010 07:38
interesting capture of the flower shop, it looks like it is hidden,
Jola Dziubinska30-Jun-2010 23:51
Interesting glass houses, cool find.
J. Scott Coile30-Jun-2010 22:07
A very nice vantage.
Doug Cruden30-Jun-2010 17:53
Nicely framed Marielou...that's a big greenhouse!
franz30-Jun-2010 14:57
Serres en cinq au seller! BV marielou
Walter Otto Koenig30-Jun-2010 14:55
Cool shot of this green house. This is fairly extensive.
Guest 30-Jun-2010 14:45
Love the green houses.
Kerry Tingley30-Jun-2010 14:26
Beautiful little "secret garden" Marielou!
Stephanie30-Jun-2010 13:52
So this is where they hide the greenhouses! Nice shot Marielou!
Looking forward to seeing you in July!