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Irene Firck | all galleries >> Galleries >> Challenges. So far, so good.... > The cooking oil blob (Challenge: "Oil")
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The cooking oil blob (Challenge: "Oil")

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Susanne v. Schroeder19-Sep-2009 01:44
Incredible, as always!!
Jim Kramer17-Sep-2009 15:59
excellent, as always! {v}
lisamidi17-Sep-2009 08:21
What a beauty! So wonderful reflections in this drop, such a wonderful colour all around. Great! v
Robbie D7016-Sep-2009 20:48
You have done it again, something that should look boring, looks fantastic because you make it that way.
Super work Irene.
Rosemarie Kusserow15-Sep-2009 20:42
Wonderful image!!! I love it, Rosemarie :o) vVv
Jaime González15-Sep-2009 18:15
This image is much more than a beauty! -V-