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virginiacoastline | all galleries >> PaD Archives >> Picture A Day 2009 > 21 AUG 09 MUDDY SANDY BIKE
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Went bike-riding thru First Landing State Park this afternoon, 10 miles round trip.

First 5 miles was a piece of cake.
Took some scenic pictures as clouds rolled in . . .made for a nice dramatic sky & picture.
Didn't think anything of it, until I started to head back.
Then the skies opened up & a deluge of water fell for about fifteen minutes.

Not to worry, I had a plastic cover for the camera & the other lens was in the camera backpack.
Tucked the camera into the jacket tied around my waist & tried to ride as quickly thru the trees back to the car.

Now, I know that for you die-hard bikers, this is only a smattering of mud . . .
but I never imagined the amount of sand and mud that would be thrown up from such a ride. Didn't even cross my mind.

By the time I got back to the car I was exhausted and soaked and muddy.

But it WAS fun!

Watching the rain come in (I think I should have had a clue by now, don't you?!)

muddy camera bag

time to upload the bike & sit on a towel or plastic bag for the drive home =)

Canon EOS 40D
1/100s f/4.5 at 41.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Coleen Perilloux Landry22-Aug-2009 16:51
You must be in great shape to be able to do that.
Subrata Basu22-Aug-2009 13:58
Quite an adventure you had this afternoon...
Cindi Smith22-Aug-2009 03:27
Looks like some fun was had riding this! Like the pov!
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