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Jean D | all galleries >> Galleries >> Planes, Trains and Automobiles >
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2009 © Jean Durepos


First Air,a Canadian airline's public relation preparation for the 2010 World Olympics, to be held in Vancouver, B.C.

other sizes: small medium original auto
bill friedlander20-Nov-2015 18:34
Love how this is framed, Jean. V
Frank Tran16-May-2013 05:25
Excellent composition! V+
Denise Bilodeau11-Aug-2009 01:50
belle composition et de beaux détails
Lee G05-Jun-2009 03:51
Now that is creative advertising!
January Grey03-Jun-2009 03:37
Wow! That's cool! Great shot, Jean. V~
Jess. ( Lady.D.)03-Jun-2009 01:51
Well captured Jean, super perspective..