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Ann... | all galleries >> One day at a Time >> Picture a Day 2008 >> October 08 > In the road
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In the road

He has terrierable trouble doing as he's told!!!!


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wildoat27-Oct-2008 00:37
"come on" why are you stood there? love photos like this that tell a story.v
Guest 07-Oct-2008 20:18
great light and I like the dog.
Walter Otto Koenig06-Oct-2008 19:56
Cool shot of this little refusenik. Great perspective, shadows and light. "V"
Sabine Stetson05-Oct-2008 03:38
splendid scene....
big V
Máire Uí Mhaicín04-Oct-2008 21:55
Who's taking whom for a walk there?
Sabine Stetson04-Oct-2008 21:06
splendid scene....
big V
Steve Morris04-Oct-2008 17:49
Great shot Ann - full of drama and mood!!!BV
JW04-Oct-2008 03:38
Superb shot - love the balanced compsition
J. Scott Coile03-Oct-2008 16:39
Looks chilly. Great light!
fdt03-Oct-2008 11:44
Great shot. f
Victoria03-Oct-2008 09:00
beautiful B&W
Guest 03-Oct-2008 04:01
LoVe this one!
laine8202-Oct-2008 22:54
Not much traffic about, he will be okay !!
Sheila02-Oct-2008 09:15
Wonderful light and silhouettes!
Guest 02-Oct-2008 08:52
I like this a lot.Well captured.
Giancarlo Guzzardi02-Oct-2008 08:24
beautiful this one, special lighting captured and great strong perspective
Mihai02-Oct-2008 06:55
Great !!!!! V
Paco López02-Oct-2008 05:36
Very good!!! V!
Guest 01-Oct-2008 23:16
very good pov-v-
Pat Shawyer01-Oct-2008 21:14
Great shot Ann !
Mairéad01-Oct-2008 21:10
A fabulous B&W shot, telling a great story.
Guest 01-Oct-2008 20:26
What a terrific image! I love the composition, light and subject matter! V
Nicki Thurgar01-Oct-2008 20:19
Fabulous shot, Ann, love the light & B&W!
Barbara Heide01-Oct-2008 20:04
fantastic capture! v
Neil Horner01-Oct-2008 19:51
Yep , a johnnyjag quality pun if I've ever heard one ! love the lighting on the footpath.
Malcolm Smith01-Oct-2008 18:39
Groan! 10/10 for punage and nice shodowy shot.
Phillip Normanton01-Oct-2008 18:13
That's the worst pun I've heard in ages! :)
Lee Rudd01-Oct-2008 17:22
chasing cars off the streets! Lovely silhouette
Guest 01-Oct-2008 17:21
another superb b/w image (a)
Lee G01-Oct-2008 17:21
A rebel doggie. I like his attitude!
Nice lighting and bw work, Ann.