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©Lux | all galleries >> Temples Of India >> Sri Venkateswara Temple Thirumala-Thirupathi > Tonsuring (shaving one's head)
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22-July-2008 ©Lux

Tonsuring (shaving one's head)

This is a Common vow undertaken by devotees at Tirupati.

The objective behind tonsuring (shaving one's head for the Lord) is to demonstrate that he/she completely surrenders his/her ego at the feet of the Lord. Pilgrims can have their heads tonsured at the Kalyanakatta (opposite the Annanadanam Complex). There are seventeen sub-centers for tonsuring. Pilgrims can also request to be tonsured at the cottages where they are staying.

FujiFilm FinePix A800
1/40s f/5.2 at 24.0mm iso400 full exif

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