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Irene Firck | all galleries >> Galleries >> Challenges. So far, so good.... > Curves (Challenge: "Point of Color")
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Curves (Challenge: "Point of Color")

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nomada19-Jul-2011 20:45
pure Zen. Another priceless capture!VVV
Gerard Koehl30-Aug-2008 01:45
Une pure merveille... V
Rosemarie Kusserow25-Jul-2008 12:49
I love this one Irene, green is one of my favorite colors, the water drop looks like a jewel, excellent composition, vote, Rosemarie :o)
Enrico Martinuzzi24-Jul-2008 10:04
Outstanding quality, color and composition.
Sandi Whitteker23-Jul-2008 03:52
Beautiful capture Irene. Very clever.
Guest 21-Jul-2008 01:33
Great idea and executed perfectly.V
Robbie D7020-Jul-2008 07:56
Top class imagination and photography skills.
Excellent work.
Lise Trempe19-Jul-2008 00:26
High level image, beautiful work.
Guest 18-Jul-2008 05:54
Amazing! The color, everything just comes together perfectly.. V
Mindy McNaugher18-Jul-2008 03:27
Susanne v. Schroeder17-Jul-2008 21:00
Yves Pinsonneault. Photographe17-Jul-2008 19:42
Marvelous ...
Claude Martin17-Jul-2008 19:23
Artistically superb! V