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Ika Zinka Eferl | all galleries >> Galleries >> reptiles_snakes > Lacerta viridis zelenec Tuesday, January 29, 2013
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Lacerta viridis zelenec Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Nikon D3100
1/1000s f/6.3 at 300.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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MarcViskens10-Apr-2021 10:38
Very pretty
Jeff Real03-Oct-2016 17:13
A magnificent those colors ~V~
Ann Pettigrew27-Mar-2014 21:23
Beautiful detail!
René Gysi01-Dec-2013 12:43
Fascinating details and very beautiful patterns and colors. V
Peterfree19-Aug-2013 14:08
Fantastic and briljant image, wit great colors and beautiful details. Wellseen. V
Buba Jafarli04-Aug-2013 19:37
The details of skin are amazing, Ika! Great capture! V.
Don12-Apr-2013 12:49
What remarkable, almost iridescent colour for a reptile - and nice photo of it.
Adit Merkine11-Mar-2013 14:07
Very nice shot!
Guest 01-Feb-2013 07:22
This really is a marvelous composition and the colours are remarkable. V+
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