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Montreal, Quebec 2008

Montreal is the second-largest city in Canada and the largest city in the province of Quebec.
For over a century and a half, Montreal was the industrial and financial centre of Canada.
The variety of buildings included factories, elevators, warehouses, mills, and refineries which
today provide a legacy of historic and architectural interest, especially in the downtown area
and the Old Port area.
Old Montreal
Old Montreal
International Quarter
International Quarter
Museum of Archaeology and History
Museum of Archaeology and History
Notre-Dame Basilica
Notre-Dame Basilica
The party is on!
The party is on!
Art work on the wall
Art work on the wall
Firework over Jacques Cartier Bridge
Firework over Jacques Cartier Bridge
Old Montreal, after a storm
Old Montreal, after a storm
Bonsecours Market Dome
Bonsecours Market Dome
International Quarter
International Quarter
Notre-Dame Basilica
Notre-Dame Basilica
Coffee Shop closed. Commerce Centre
Coffee Shop closed. Commerce Centre
Commerce Centre
Commerce Centre
Centre-Ville/Montreal Downtown
Centre-Ville/Montreal Downtown
The Cathedral-Basilica of Mary
The Cathedral-Basilica of Mary
g3/86/778986/3/101543573.YthjlGRy.jpg Approaching storm. Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal
Approaching storm. Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal
Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal
Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal
Habitat 67
Habitat 67
Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal
Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal
Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal
Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal
Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal
Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal
Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal
Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal
g3/86/778986/3/101543565.L7SraMaO.jpg g3/86/778986/3/101543571.xXfmVyAB.jpg
g3/86/778986/3/101543575.q3MYrubG.jpg International Quarter
International Quarter
Notre-Dame Basilica
Notre-Dame Basilica
Details. Notre-Dame Basilica
Details. Notre-Dame Basilica
Details. Notre-Dame Basilica
Details. Notre-Dame Basilica
Notre-Dame Basilica
Notre-Dame Basilica
Notre-Dame Basilica
Notre-Dame Basilica
Details. Notre-Dame Basilica
Details. Notre-Dame Basilica
Notre-Dame Basilica
Notre-Dame Basilica
g3/86/778986/3/101543595.6faF0A1d.jpg Commerce Centre
Commerce Centre
One piece of Berlin Wall. Commerce Centre
One piece of Berlin Wall. Commerce Centre
Old along with New
Old along with New
The Cathedral-Basilica of Mary
The Cathedral-Basilica of Mary
g3/86/778986/3/101543612.hi9eWMpr.jpg g3/86/778986/3/101543614.fAj1DdpK.jpg The Cathedral-Basilica of Mary
The Cathedral-Basilica of Mary
Windsor Station
Windsor Station
Windsor Station
Windsor Station
Habitat 67
Habitat 67
g3/86/778986/3/101543628.yryaFE6f.jpg g3/86/778986/3/101543631.MnGc4Zke.jpg g3/86/778986/3/101543633.vXmscG8G.jpg