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Creative muses...


My World of Inspirations and Creativity

"An inspiration has the power to initiate creativity; but creativity has the power to engage your aspirations by taking you to a place you thought you could never be. As someone once told me, it is never too late to be what you once thought you wanted to be. If your life takes a turn, don’t stop the motion; roll over the bumps to a smooth and gentle landing in a place where your mind can be fruitful and introspective; but, always try to live in the moment of your desires. Fortunately, god has blessed us with imagination to keep us at the edge of new discoveries. Never let the quest to discover subside: always let the adventure expand your soul to live your desires in the creative world of imagination."

Pepper, Mon Amour
:: Pepper, Mon Amour ::
Blue Tone
:: Blue Tone ::
Vert de Jardin
:: Vert de Jardin ::
For the Love of Red
:: For the Love of Red ::
Winter at Boathouse Row Boathouse Row Christmas Marijka's Vista Eye Candy
Christmas Day Sunset My New Toy