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Ian Cameron | all galleries >> Transient Light >> S.E Asia > Trekking The Rice Path
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Ian Cameron

Trekking The Rice Path

Ghorepani Trek, Pokhara, Nepal.

It was monsoon season when my girlfriend and I undertook the Ghorepani trek a high level walk through the rice fields that cascade in tiled plateaus down the slopes of the verdant hills. We were plagued by leeches and our legs ran red with blood but for all that I thoroughly enjoyed the untouristed trek through the cloud base of the hills and perhaps saw a side to Nepal that fewer travellers get.

Contax ST ,28-85 zoom,Fujichrome Provia 100F
polariser, f8 at 1/30 sec full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Jeff Real27-Sep-2020 18:51
This is a remarkable photograph!
Guest 30-May-2008 11:56
Great work. Reminds me of revisting Nepal. Look forward seeing you book.
Guest 26-May-2008 09:24
Great! V
joanteno25-May-2008 22:06
Excellent shot, the red umbrella really adds to the shot. V.
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