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hugo poon | all galleries >> Galleries >> my favourites since 2007 > "end ²×¤î"
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"end ²×¤î"

The street is empty and light is dim but they have put "loneliness and darkness" to an end!
It's been a while since I last met this wonderful woman and her three blind friends
and they're progressing in the same amazing pace and high spirit!:-)

First Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong

FujiFilm X10
1/30s f/2.5 at 7.1mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Cornelis Heijkant 03-Nov-2011 00:20
One of the most touching streetshots I ever saw! V.
Mary Bowles02-Nov-2011 15:24
A lovely picture, and a heart-warming story.
caveman_lee02-Nov-2011 13:34
Amazing capture indeed.