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Rob Hoeben | profile | all galleries >> Vogels - Birds >> Geringde vogels - Marked birds tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Geringde vogels - Marked birds

This gallery aims at providing documentations of observations of (color)-ringed birds, with details on the life history, rather than intending to depict high-quality photographs.
Black-headed Gull
:: Black-headed Gull ::
Mediterranean Gull
:: Mediterranean Gull ::
Common Gull
:: Common Gull ::
Baltic Gull
:: Baltic Gull ::
Great Black-backed Gull
:: Great Black-backed Gull ::
Lesser Black-backed Gull
:: Lesser Black-backed Gull  ::
Herring Gull
:: Herring Gull ::
Caspian Gull
:: Caspian Gull ::
Yellow-legged Gull
:: Yellow-legged Gull ::
Sandwich Tern
:: Sandwich Tern ::
Black Brent
:: Black Brent ::
Brent Goose
:: Brent Goose ::
Canada Goose
:: Canada Goose ::
White-fronted Goose
:: White-fronted Goose ::
Greylag Goose
:: Greylag Goose ::
Mute Swan
:: Mute Swan ::
Egyptian Goose
:: Egyptian Goose ::
:: Mallard ::
Common Teal
:: Common Teal ::
Common Pochard
:: Common Pochard ::
Eurasian Coot
:: Eurasian Coot ::
Eurasian Oystercatcher
:: Eurasian Oystercatcher ::
Common Redshank
:: Common Redshank ::
::  Sanderling ::
Ruddy Turnstone
:: Ruddy Turnstone ::
Little Ringed Plover
:: Little Ringed Plover ::
Northern Lapwing
:: Northern Lapwing ::
Bar-tailed Godwit
:: Bar-tailed Godwit ::
Black-tailed Godwit
:: Black-tailed Godwit ::
Eurasian Spoonbill
:: Eurasian Spoonbill ::
White Stork
:: White Stork ::
Great Cormorant
:: Great Cormorant ::
Rose-ringed Parakeet
:: Rose-ringed Parakeet ::
House Sparrow
:: House Sparrow ::
Chroicocephalus ridibundus - Black-headed Gull
Marking rings from a juvenile Black-headed Gull found dead seven weeks after 
receiving these rings. It was marked on June 2, 2010 in the Zoetermeer colony.

Chroicocephalus ridibundus - Black-headed Gull
Marking rings from a juvenile Black-headed Gull found dead seven weeks after
receiving these rings. It was marked on June 2, 2010 in the Zoetermeer colony.

Rock Pipit
:: Rock Pipit ::