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Chris Clifford | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> FAST '07 - Salt Lake City, Utah tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

FAST '07 - Salt Lake City, Utah

March brings spring break, NCAA Tourney and the annual guys trip to see who can fling themselves down the hill the fastest and most recklessly. Proud to say that despite stiff competition from Doug, John, Rob and Scott, this honor went to yours truly this year as evidenced by the backboard/ ambulance pictures.... FAST '08 COSTA RICA!!!
Ski slope from 40,000 feet
Ski slope from 40,000 feet
Scott smug in the knowledge that he will own Doug on the slopes
Scott smug in the knowledge that he will own Doug on the slopes
The Ski Jacket Debut!
The Ski Jacket Debut!
The Last Remaining Cowboys Fan?
The Last Remaining Cowboys Fan?
g6/78/617578/3/76520258.fz0Tzmbb.jpg Deer Valley Ghetto
Deer Valley Ghetto
g6/78/617578/3/76520262.QxvHHzDm.jpg g6/78/617578/3/76520264.KCzJOlzA.jpg
Rob dreaming of Hannah Montana
Rob dreaming of Hannah Montana
The Boyz
The Boyz
g6/78/617578/3/76521248.bk9CxInG.jpg Pausing on the Edge
Pausing on the Edge
What happened to all the snow?
What happened to all the snow?
g6/78/617578/3/76521256.22fUlBn3.jpg g6/78/617578/3/76521258.oJGoxvaz.jpg Apres Ski, FAST '07 style
Apres Ski, FAST '07 style
The Dave Matthews / Girls Gone Wild Fan Club
The Dave Matthews / Girls Gone Wild Fan Club
g6/78/617578/3/76521273.GMkV00eH.jpg g6/78/617578/3/76521276.xGT7gYBJ.jpg The Pie SLC (home of the looping Led Zep soundtrack)
The Pie SLC (home of the looping Led Zep soundtrack)
Solitude Resort
Solitude Resort
Not Good
Not Good
Not Looking Good
Not Looking Good
Vacation Fun!
Vacation Fun!
Hey, that's not where it hurts!
Hey, that's not where it hurts!
and the crowd goes wild at the injured players thumbs up
and the crowd goes wild at the injured players thumbs up
g6/78/617578/3/76524293.QCKoiVbY.jpg g6/78/617578/3/76524295.ho04VhqR.jpg g6/78/617578/3/76524296.avYu3Vb4.jpg
Feelin' fine
Feelin' fine
g6/78/617578/3/76526871.pkMAWUQU.jpg watch and learn boys watch and learn
watch and learn boys watch and learn
Skiing against doctor's orders
Skiing against doctor's orders
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