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Hubert Steed | profile | all galleries >> Nature - Gardens, Flowers, Trees, Plants, Rocks, Animals, etc. >> Gardens >> Mostly NYC Gardens, Flowers and Plants >> Sasaki & Washington Square Village Gardens tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sasaki & Washington Square Village Gardens

July 1, 2015 The end of park land, gardens & children's playgrounds here in the heart of historic Greenwich Village? This garden is still threatened to be destroyed by the NYU/NYC 2031 Expansion Plan to build two skyscraper buildings on this location for the plan completion date in 2031. See

November 11, 2014 See for latest legal status of the NYC/NYU Expansion Plan to destroy this garden, other gardens, public park strips, children's playgrounds & a dog run to build a series of skyscrapers here in the heart of historic Greenwich Village.

The NYC/NYU2031 expansion plans call for the construction of several new skyscrapers in the heart of historic Greenwich Village which will be built on this garden, bordering park strips, the comprehensive children's playgrounds. On a "super block" south of WSV, the NYC/NYU 2031 Plan will also destroy a treasured community garden at LaGuardia Place Corner Gardens and gardens and a dog run on Bleecker and Mercer streets.

Protests and legal appeals are being made to stop the destruction of these community and NYC necessities & amenities for the planned skyscrapers. Virtually all of these trees and gardens will be destroyed in the near future, if our courts of law allow the NYC/NYU2031 Plan to proceed.

In the Fall of 2013, a New York State Judge ruled that the Park Strips on LaGuardia Place & Mercer Street cannot be destroyed without New York State Parks approval. NYU appeals are pending.

This October 2014, the NY State Appeals Court ruled that the NYC/NYU 2031 Plan to destroy our park strips, children's playgrounds, gardens & dog run for a series of skyscrapers here in the heart of historic Greenwich Village can proceed according to NYU's schedule, possibly starting on the south super block this coming spring.

Please consider reading & signing the petition asking the NYC Mayor & NYU Trustees to drop the Plan at

Please run the slideshow button on the upper right corner of to see conveniently what is planned to be destroyed. If you run the slideshow with a soundtrack of "Where have all the flowers gone?" it might break your heart.

Click for more information and photos of Washington Square Village Sasaki Garden.
Also click for more photos of LaGuardia Corner Garden.
And for gardens around the NYU Athletic Center.
Click for NYU Faculty resolutions against the NYU2031 plan.
A video on this is at
Also see for more information.
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September 10, 2014 - For more information about the NYU Faculty Against the NYU2031 Expansion Plan, see
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