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Hubert Steed | profile | all galleries >> Places >> New York City >> Manhattan Neighborhoods >> Lower Manhattan >> Greenwich Village - NOHO tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Greenwich Village - NOHO

Greenwich Village is defined here as the area from Houston Street to 14th Street from 6th Avenue to the Bowery or 3rd Avenue. It's the central area of "The Village". NOHO, NOrth of HOuston is a smaller area in Greenwich Village, centered along Lafayette Street above Houston roughly between Mercer Street and the Bowery. The area west of 6th Avenue between 6th Avenue and the Hudson River is considered to be the West Village. The area east of the Bowery between the Bowery or 3rd Avenue is considered to be the East Village.

Washington Square Park is the heart of this area and photos of it are in a separate gallery wing at .
NYU  - New York University
:: NYU - New York University ::
University Place - Greenwich Village NYC
:: University Place - Greenwich Village NYC ::
Fifth Avenue - Lower Manhattan & Greenwich Village
:: Fifth Avenue - Lower Manhattan & Greenwich Village ::
Sixth Avenue - Greenwich Village
:: Sixth Avenue - Greenwich Village ::
3rd Street - Greenwich Village NYC
:: 3rd Street - Greenwich Village NYC ::
4th Street - Greenwich Village NYC
:: 4th Street - Greenwich Village NYC ::
8th Street - Greenwich Village NYC
:: 8th Street - Greenwich Village NYC ::
9th Street Greenwich Village NYC
:: 9th Street Greenwich Village NYC ::
Tenth  Street - Greenwich Village NYC
:: Tenth Street - Greenwich Village NYC ::
Eleventh Street - Greenwich Village NYC
:: Eleventh Street - Greenwich Village NYC ::
Twelth Street - Greenwich Village NYC
:: Twelth Street - Greenwich Village NYC ::
Thirteenth Street - Greenwich Village NYC
:: Thirteenth Street - Greenwich Village NYC ::
East 14th Street - Greenwich Village NYC
:: East 14th Street - Greenwich Village NYC ::
Astor Place
:: Astor Place ::
Broadway - NOHO
:: Broadway - NOHO ::
Bleecker Street - Greenwich Village NYC
:: Bleecker Street - Greenwich Village NYC ::
Bond Street - NOHO
:: Bond Street - NOHO ::
Greene Street
:: Greene Street ::
Lafayette Street & 4th Avenue - NOHO
:: Lafayette Street & 4th Avenue - NOHO ::
LaGuardia Place - Greenwich Village NYC
:: LaGuardia Place - Greenwich Village NYC ::
MacDougal Street - Greenwich Village NYC
:: MacDougal Street - Greenwich Village NYC ::
Mercer Street - Greenwich Village NYC
:: Mercer Street - Greenwich Village NYC ::
Minetta Lane & Minetta Street
:: Minetta Lane & Minetta Street ::
Sullivan Street - Greenwich Village NYC
:: Sullivan Street - Greenwich Village NYC ::
Thompson Street - Greenwich Village NYC
:: Thompson Street - Greenwich Village NYC ::
Washington Place - Greenwich Village NYC
:: Washington Place - Greenwich Village NYC ::
Waverly Place - Greenwich Village NYC
:: Waverly Place - Greenwich Village NYC ::
Washington Mews
:: Washington Mews ::